The saga of Pu Yi (John Lone), the last emperor of China, which was declared emperor with only three years and lived cloistered in the Forbidden City until he was deposed by the revolutionary government, then the world facing the first time when he was 24. During this period he became a playboy, but would soon have a political role when it became a pseudo-emperor of Manchuria when it was invaded by Japan Imprisoned by the Soviets, was returned to China as a political prisoner in 1950. It is precisely this period that the movie begins, but soon returned to 1908, the year he became emperor.
The Last Emperor was the first film that has received authorization from the Chinese government to film in the Forbidden City.
- Won the Oscars in all categories which have been appointed.
- The original version of The Last Emperor contains 224 minutes, and the version released in the United States contains only 164 minutes. Years later launched an uncut version of the film, with its original length, and most of the scenes included relate to the period in which Pu Yi was in a Chinese concentration camp.